
Aleš Horvat Photo: Saša Huzjak /
Born in 1973, Maribor. Graduated on Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television, University of Ljubljana. Studied at the Philosophical Faculty. In high school, Ales was also Tito and Zois scholar. Two time champion in electronics (Yugoslavia) and three time champion in electronica in Slovenia. Established programme movement New Storming in Weimar, 1995. Established Center for positive revolutions, cultural estethic forum, 1996.
Theatre plays
Antigone, Sophocles
New Antigone, Sophocles
Russia, FM Dostoevsky
Orpheus descending, T Williams
Frogs, G Strnisa
Hamlet, W Shakespeare
Video project
Study movies
Night in hotel, B Svent
Milagros, B Svent
Door to Door Man (script, producer, director)
Mister Smej
Music videos
Rurala – Walkdo
Frame – Monsters
Freaks of Friday – Suzie likes to shoot
TV Commercials
AMIS telecommunications
Revolutionary Robotics
St John International University Turin
Ex Director of production company MAMAFILM
Exhibitions are listed under the section News / Exhibitions